Our New Home

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Hope you enjoy seeing the progress of our new home!

Here is a picture of our lot,
taken March 27, 2005.

Well, the good news is that we have broken ground!  The forms are up and the rough plumbing is done!  The bad news is that we still don't have our building permit from the city.  We should hopefully have it by September 7 and then we can get an inspection on the plumbing and start the under- ground HVAC work. 
Here's a picture of the "house" (mounds of dirt) as of September 1, 2005.
October 17 - Well, we have had a rough go of it!  We have had to fight our way through the permit process and inspections but we finally do have concrete poured!  Word is that the framing will start tomorrow.  YEAHHHH!  That should take about 3 weeks.  Here's a picture of the guys pouring concrete, taken Oct 5.
November 1 - The framers have been at it for just over a week.  They started on October 21.  They haven't worked every day, as they had to finish up another house.  But we can see progress!  Today, they should be putting up floor joists and then they can begin the 2nd story! 
This is what the house looked like on Oct 27.
November 23 - I am getting soooo anxious!  We have had a 2nd floor for about 2 weeks and I still haven't seen it.  Why?  Because there's no stairs!  And the ladder we have is 3 feet short of what I need to get up there.  So I have just been waiting (not so patiently) for the stairs.  We should have them by this weekend.  Hope so because we are having all our family out there on Sunday.  Anyway, they have almost completed framing the roof, as you can see, so they are getting close to being done framing. 
This picture was taken yesterday, Nov 22.


November 27, 2005 - Our House Dedication
We had about 30 family members and friends join us at the house for lunch and verse-writing (and, yes, the stairs were done!).  It was really neat to see everyone get involved in blessing our house and dedicating it to the Lord.  Afterwards, Jason and I wrote down the location of every verse and who wrote it and the count is over 150!  Since then, more have been added... even by one of the framers, the plumber, and a roofer! We want to be a testimony to all who come to our house.





January 9, 2006 - Happy New Year!
Sorry for the delay in updates.  December was a busy month.  Here's what's happening at the house.  We got a roof on Dec 30, right before the big storm - phew (see picture above)!   The plumber is just about done and the electrician will be starting this week.  Jason and his dad installed the doors last week (see picture to left), and then my dad helped put in the windows on Saturday (see picture below).  So things are coming along!  We are so thankful for our families and their support/help.  We still haven't sold our house (know anyone who's looking??) but we continue on...


January 19, 2006 - Wow, the house is really starting to look like a house from the outside!  Jason, his dad, my dad, and my brother-in-law Bill worked on putting up siding last weekend.  They got a lot accomplished in just 3 days!  We think we are about halfway done with the siding.          


Meanwhile, the plumber is just about through and the electrician will be starting this week.  I have been busy finalizing my choices of appliances, faucets, and countertops - a big chore but still fun! 
February 13, 2006 - The electrician is finishing up and the stucco guys started wrapping the house today so soon we shouldn't be getting any blasts of cold wind inside!  Jason is working on networking stuff but hopefully in about 3 weeks, we'll get drywall!
This picture was taken Jan 30.  Everything in the front that doesn't have siding will have rock on it.

March 23 - We have sheetrock!  They started yesterday and they are flying.  The downstairs is close to being done.  They gave an estimate of 4 weeks to sheetrock, tape, and texture the house, so now we just have to bide the time patiently.  It is really coming together though and looking like a house!  Very exciting!

The picture to the left is the drywallers working today, and the picture below is part of my kitchen, which looks so much more complete than just seeing boards and wires!  That was taken yesterday, March 22.


May 16 - Sorry it's been so long since I updated this!  In a whirlwind of activity, we sold our house and moved within 19 days!  Praise the Lord.  We are now living with Jason's parents and trying to remain patient until the house is done.  There's been a lot of progress!  The painter is still working and after he finishes the wall, he will start staining and painting the cabinets.  The electrician has also been working, and we should get concrete (the driveway and walkways) next week!  Anyway, I tried to choose only a few pictures but hopefully you'll get an idea of what's going on...
To the right is the outside, taken May 12.  That's the final siding and trim color but the vents will be black.
To the left, you see the texture going on!  We chose to do a hand-texture instead of the regular spray texture.  This picture was taken April 27.
Next is my cute pantry door!  The doors and finish work were put on right after the texture was finished, on April 28. 
The bottom right picture is my kitchen, painted!  Taken May 10.


June 13 - All I can say is WOW!  It's amazing how close we are getting!  I'd say we are definitely down to less than a month...maybe even 3 weeks?!  Jason, his dad, and my dad have been working hard at the stairway.  Now the painter needs to stain and paint the pieces and it is just about complete.  The cabinets are in and we should have all the countertops in by the end of the week!  The electrician is installing light fixtures and after the countertops are in, the plumber will start installing faucets.  After that, basically only flooring is left...hoorrrrrayyyy!
To the right is Ed installing the desks in our blue (yes, BLUE!) office, May 29.
Below is my kitchen, complete with cabinets, June 3.
Next to that picture is the back of the house with stucco, May 30.

We have a driveway!  June 12.                            
                        The stairs are just as much work as Jason anticipated (a LOT).
               Work began on June 3 and he is putting in as much time as he can.

June 25 - Things are starting to come together here at the end.  The stairs are done!  Yippee!  It took Jason, plus help, 6 FULL days of work to finish them, plus the painter had 3 days of work as well.  All the countertops are installed, the electrician has been hard at work putting in light fixtures/plugs/switches, and the plumber has started putting in faucets. 
Below is Jason, putting the balisters in - the final step on the stairs, June 21.
Below right is the laundry room with counters, June 23.
          Dale, the plumber, June 17.

Kitchen counter being installed,
June 21.

Finished kitchen countertops,
June 25.

  Office with counters.

July 9 - We are hoping to move next weekend, so you can tell things are wrapping up!  The wood floor is all done, as is the carpet and vinyl upstairs.  The only flooring left to do is the carpet downstairs in the family and living/dining rooms, which will be finished tomorrow.  The plumbing is also just about done and we finally have air conditioning (although Jason won't let me use it much!).  Jason and his dad installed the microwave on Wednesday, and the blinds were installed on Friday.  Tomorrow the finish guys will come to put in the rest of the baseboards and closet parts; and Tuesday, the master shower should be finished up and the painter will be doing touch-ups.  We hope to get our final inspection on Wednesday - please pray that we pass!!
To the right, you see Jason working on the phone system and networking - that's a lot of wires!  Taken July 3.

Game room carpet!  July 5

Carpet in master bedroom. July 6

Wood floor in nook/kitchen. July 7

July 31, 2006 - WE ARE MOVED IN!!!  Hooray!! 
Here are some pictures of moving day, July 15.  We had plenty of help - even Chris & Heather came up from LA late the night before to help us!  We are so blessed.  
In the last 2 weeks since moving, little things have been finished up, like the master shower, mirrors, dishwasher, and one side of the fence.  There are still some paint touch-ups to be done, the other side of fence, and the rock on the front of the house.  And of course, the yard!  Jason is drawing up plans but I'm sure they will change many times before he actually puts the yard in.

The trailer full of our stuff

  Lots of help for the heavy workbench                                                                              Ellie, Heather, and my mom work in the kitchen

September 27, 2006 - Our beautiful house!
The mountain of dirt is finally gone, thanks to Jason and his dad's old tractor.  And the rock work is FINALLY done on the front of the house so it really looks complete!
We are enjoying living here and getting settled in.  No pictures hung on the walls yet but a lot of the boxes are unpacked and put away, so that feels good. 
It finally feels like HOME!
Now on to the landscaping...

Sept 16 - Jason moving the dirt

 Sept 22 - Rock work

Sept 26 - Finishing up

October 26, 2006
Our landscaping is finished!  It was quite painless (until we have to pay the bill! ) because we hired a landscaper.  Jason was feeling overwhelmed with the project and we decided that it would be money well spent to hire it done.  And boy, are we happy with the results!  It is beautiful - day or night!

October 12 - grading & sprinklers  

October 23 - The first plants

October 24

October 24 - Grass!

October 25 - It's getting there!

October 26 - LOTS of flowers! 

Night light - my favorite!

December 18 - Well, we have been in our beautiful home for just over five months and we are loving it!
We have just begun to hang pictures and unpack the last few boxes.
The plan is to have an open house sometime in January...
we'll keep you posted!

December 19, 2007!  Wow, it's been a year since I've posted anything here.  You can tell we haven't done much!  

The big news is that we finally found a streetlight we both liked and it is now in!  You can see the finished product to the left...

We are starting plans and getting bids for the backyard,
and hopefully we will have that done in the next year!  Yippee!

December 1 - Installation

Dad came by to "supervise"

Wiring it up

March 25, 2008 - We have started the backyard! 
To see the progress, click below...